Commercialize your software. Accelerate your research.

Turn your lab-developed software into a market-ready prototype and a continuing foundation for better research.

We do things differently

Our philosophy

Commercialization must impress users, customers, and investors but, done right, it can also benefit your lab. Creating a superb market prototype should, as a by-product, level-up your research codebase for future success.

Founders of successful startups stay close to the product, but commercialization often simply means out-sourcing: first the code, then the team. We aim to elevate your software and people for the best possible outcome.

How we help

Our services

Market-Ready Prototype

Turn your proof-of-concept into a polished prototype ready for commercialization.

Get to market faster with a quality product that delights users. Stay in control of your technology as we bring your team along with the evolving codebase.

Development Refresh

Tangled codebase holding you back? We identify and remove technical debt detrimental to commercializing your software and instil best practices to uphold quality.

Say goodbye to long ramp-ups, collaboration roadblocks, mystery bugs, and dubious results. Produce industry-ready grads.

Time-Saving Consult

Deep technical rabbit-hole holding you up? Making important early design decisions that will greatly impact the future of your project?

Unblock your path and make the correct decisions with expert advice from software engineers and startup founders.

Things we think about

Our blog

What is technical debt (and why should I care)?

What is technical debt (and why should I care)?

For scientists and business leaders that oversee software development, “technical debt” is often a foreign term, but it impacts them all the same. Learn to recognize the signs of your debt and how to manage it proactively.

The little script that could

The little script that could

A short tale of a hacked-together script that was initially never meant to last nor leave my lab computer hard-drive, but took on a life of its own.

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